
Results 38 comments of Yunuuuu

I have tried to using this setting in `vscode-R\language\r-configuration.json` according to [vscode document]( ``` "indentationRules": { "increaseIndentPattern": "(%.*%|[\\^+\\-*/=!&|~?])\\s*$", "indentNextLinePattern": "(%.*%|[\\^+\\-*/=!&|~?])\\s*$" } ``` but it didn't work, it's weird.

The same problems in ubuntu.

I didn't know whether this could help you, I have solved it by adding a argument in `r.rterm.option` for I used `radian` terminal (`"--r-binary=/usr/lib/R/bin/R"`). here is my vscode-server `settings.json`: ```...

It seems vscode-r don't update the help index for the newly installed packages. I have the same problem for the newly installed packages.

您好!版主大大,我以前一直用这个``, 这个最近更新很少了,感觉你这个自定义翻页规则真的棒,不知道能否添加分隔栏,因为不同页面连接得太完美了,导致我们很难分清哪些没看,那些看了!


Hi, @randy3k , is it possible to turn off `auto_match` when we sending code to `radian terminal` but just turn on it when we typing code directly in `radian` manually?

Thanks for your help Yes, I'll turn off it and check off this.

Just came across this problem, I also used conda to manage R in a remote server. Since the server has network limitations and I have no root permission, I can...