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where is the "flying" yunohost main panel tile ?
Since nextcloud 20, no more yunohost tile to go to main sso panel, Am I the only one with this trouble ?
No other person having this trouble ?
My tile is also missing. Just installed the app for the first time and was wondering where it was.
I can replicate the issue. Here are some investigations into it.
The problem can be circumvented by manually adding the following bit of code (normally injected by NGINX) before </head>
at line 29 of /var/www/nextcloud/core/templates/layout.user.php
<script type="text/javascript" src="/ynh_portal.js"></script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
href="/ynh_overlay.css"></link><script type="text/javascript" src="/ynhtheme/custom_portal.js"></script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/ynhtheme/custom_overlay.css"></link>
This bit of code is not present without this hack. So I guess the matter lies in /etc/nginx/conf.d/
where NGINX is instructed to insert the code at the place I mentioned above.
Hello, after upgrading nextcloud to 20.0.8~ynh1, no more "flying tile" yunohost again and even ading before at line 29 of /var/www/nextcloud/core/templates/layout.user.php don't solve, any idea ?
Hello @tutle, have you tested the solution proposed in the PR #402 ?
Hello, I don't understand what I have to do.
just add the line in nginx.conf ?
fastcgi_param HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING ""; # Disable encoding of nextcloud response to inject ynh scripts
Yes, in the nginx conf file of your nextcloud installation (and under the line fastcgi_param front_controller_active true;
where is this file ?
The file should be somewhere like /etc/nginx/conf.d/your_nextcloud_instance_domain/nextcloud.conf
Found and done, need to reload something ?
Yes, need to reload nginx sudo systemctl reload nginx
Ihaaa, super ! Thanks !!
Closing, as the issue is stale and hopefully solved. Feel free to reopen if needed.