Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us! There is no big difference between video call and video conference from Voximplant React Native SDK API usage point view. You need:...
Hello @yogitaV-dev , We do not have a demo project for video conference for react-native. However from SDK usage perspective video conference does not differ a lot from a video...
Hello @shayan555 , Do you mean that the callee does not receive the incoming call and the caller gets "Temporary unavailble" error from CallFailed event? Best regards, Yulia Grigorieva
Hello! If you use windows, please remove this line: https://github.com/voximplant/react-native-demo/blob/e36c4c4857382118c465ed0c7ae031ad9e2f220e/package.json#L7 This line introduce a workaround for third-party dependencies that are used in the demo project for iOS platform. Best regards,...
Hello @nerdsarena, Could you please provide some details how to reproduce and the following information: - flutter version - flutter_callkit_voximplant version - ios version? Best regards, Yulia Grigorieva
hello @nerdsarena , Thank you for information provided. We wil check if we can reproduce the issue with an android app and will get back to you soon. Regarding the...
Hello @AbdellrahmanAhmed, Do you see this error while running the application on android or on iOS? If you face this exception on android, it is expected as CallKit is the...
Hello! Have you called VIAudioFile.initialize API before VIAudioFile.play? The error says that the fileId is not initialized. Its initialization is performed in VIAudioFile.initialize() method. So, I see 2 possible reasons:...
Hello! Regarding the issue with hot restart. If you face with MissingPluginException, it may be expected as according to the [documentation](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/packages-and-plugins/using-packages#adding-a-package-dependency-to-an-app): > If the package brings platform-specific code (Kotlin/Java for...
"Trying to answer having no active call" is the exact error? Do you see it in the logs? Could you please add a logs snippet here? Regarding the case, do...