Could you please also try reproducing the issue on the demo app?
Hello @Linoa65 , Could you please provide the information what react-native module you use to handle push notifications on android? (react-native-firebase or another) Best regards, Yulia Grigorieva
Hello @Linoa65 , I have checked your scenario with the demo app, and I'm not able to reproduce the issue on it. The demo app establish the connection to the...
I suppose that the reason why the `Client.connect` promise is not resolved is that the API was not called in Headless JS task.
Hello @Linoa65, React Native should not pause tasks unless you resolve the promise. https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/headless-js-android > You can do anything in your task such as network requests, timers and so on,...
Hello @Linoa65 , Could you please give a sample project, so I can reproduce the issue and debug it? Best regards, Yulia Grigorieva
Hello @tusharnetset , Please provide more details about the issue. Best regards, Yulia Grigorieva
Hello @tusharnetset , Sorry, I misunderstand about your case. You have device A with user1 and device B with user2. Do you mean that you need to relogin each time...
Hello @tusharnetset , Is the issue reproducible with demo application? Do you check the client state via [Client.getClientState](https://voximplant.com/docs/references/reactnative/voximplant/client#getclientstate) API before performing the login operation? The fastest way to get the...
Hello, @sanjaypojo ! If a call fails, CallEvents.Failed event should be invoked. Could you please provide more details about the issue (steps to reproduce, sdk version)? Best regards, Yulia Grigorieva