background_locator_fixed copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for updating location in background.
While in IOS simulator it works fine with app termination, but in Real device it does not work.
The plan is that I want to use this library in production, but first I want to make sure whether this library will continue to be maintained, considering that flutter...
import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:background_locator_2/background_locator.dart'; import 'package:background_locator_2/location_dto.dart'; import 'package:background_locator_2/settings/android_settings.dart'; import 'package:background_locator_2/settings/ios_settings.dart'; import 'package:background_locator_2/settings/locator_settings.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart'; import 'package:route/data/repositories/hive_repository.dart'; import 'package:route/data/repositories/rest_api_repository.dart'; import 'package:route/domain/entites/local_trip.dart'; import 'package:route/domain/repositories/database_repository.dart'; import 'package:route/domain/repositories/json_body/update_location_json_body.dart'; import 'package:route/domain/repositories/local_storage_repository.dart';...
When the service is started, initCallback is not called, and the callback method is called directly. **LocationCallbackHandler** ```dart import 'dart:async'; import 'package:background_locator_2/location_dto.dart'; import 'package:guard_user/src/presentation/view_model/blocs/data_bloc/api_data_bloc.dart'; import 'location_service_repository.dart'; @pragma('vm:entry-point') class LocationCallbackHandler {...
BackgroundLocator 2 2.0.6 version ishlatganman Android 14da chiqyapdi Caused by: Starting FGS without a type callerApp=ProcessRecord{4bdb296 11745:uz.example/u0a103} targetSDK=34
Hello, In flutter, I have used workmanager and background_locator_2 and stored location co-ordinates in sharedpreference workmanager calls function of background_locator_2 in every 15 mins background_locator_2 stores the location co-ordinates in...
Upgraded SDK sdk and fixed null operator / variables. Replaced deprecated package (for permissions) with permission_handler. Fixed checkPermission -> 1st request "while in use" then "always" permission for location.
I cant run on ios, already udpate the AppDelegate.swift
While using your plugin i get this error ``` [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'LocationDto' ``` This is the code i am using ```ruby...
Hello, I have made the following changes in this pull request: - Updated the iOS code to first request `requestWhenInUseAuthorization` and then call `requestAlwaysAuthorization` to immediately obtain the `kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized` status....