EditNTS copied to clipboard
RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 2. Expected size 32 but got size 1 for tensor number 3 in the list
I am running EDITNTS: https://github.com/yuedongP/EditNTS without teacher forcing on some training data. When I run main.py I get the error:
File "/home/jba5337/work/ds440w/EditNTS-Google/editnts.py", line 252, in forward
output_t = torch.cat((output_edits, attn_applied_org_t, c, hidden_words[0]),
RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 2. Expected size 32 but got size 1 for tensor number 3 in the list.
Here is what happens when I print c:
c tensor([[[-0.0353, -0.0617, -0.1176, ..., 0.0507, -0.0174, 0.1828]],
[[-0.0769, -0.0166, -0.1737, ..., -0.1302, -0.1488, 0.1480]],
[[-0.0570, -0.0683, -0.2270, ..., -0.0820, -0.2011, 0.1915]],
[[-0.1127, 0.0051, -0.2119, ..., -0.0853, -0.1813, 0.2058]],
[[-0.0570, -0.0683, -0.2270, ..., -0.0412, -0.1851, 0.1975]],
[[-0.1127, 0.0051, -0.2119, ..., -0.0477, -0.1822, 0.2200]]],
device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<GatherBackward0>)
size torch.Size([32, 1, 400])
It looks like this is greater than a size 1, so I am unsure where the issue is. Here is the function of where the error is coming from if you could please take a look:
else: # no teacher forcing
decoder_input_edit = input_edits[:, :1]
t, tt = 0, max(MAX_LEN,input_edits.size(1)-1)
# initialize
embedded_edits = self.embedding(decoder_input_edit)
output_edits, hidden_edits = self.rnn_edits(embedded_edits, hidden_org)
embedded_words = self.embedding(decoder_input_word)
output_words, hidden_words = self.rnn_words(embedded_words, hidden_org)
# # give previous word from tgt simp_sent
# inds = torch.LongTensor(counter_for_keep_ins)
# dummy = inds.view(-1, 1, 1)
# dummy = dummy.expand(dummy.size(0), dummy.size(1), output_words.size(2)).cuda()
# c_word = output_words.gather(1, dummy)
while t < tt:
if t>0:
embedded_edits = self.embedding(decoder_input_edit)
output_edits, hidden_edits = self.rnn_edits(embedded_edits, hidden_edits)
key_org = self.attn_Projection_org(output_edits) # bsz x nsteps x nhid
logits_org = torch.bmm(key_org, encoder_outputs_org.transpose(1, 2)) # bsz x nsteps x encsteps
attn_weights_org_t = F.softmax(logits_org, dim=-1) # bsz x nsteps x encsteps
attn_applied_org_t = torch.bmm(attn_weights_org_t, encoder_outputs_org) # bsz x nsteps x nhid
## find current word
inds = torch.LongTensor(counter_for_keep_del)
dummy = inds.view(-1, 1, 1)
dummy = dummy.expand(dummy.size(0), dummy.size(1), encoder_outputs_org.size(2)).cuda()
c = encoder_outputs_org.gather(1, dummy)
output_t = torch.cat((output_edits, attn_applied_org_t, c, hidden_words[0]),
2) # bsz*nsteps x nhid*2
output_t = self.attn_MLP(output_t)
output_t = F.log_softmax(self.out(output_t), dim=-1)
# gold_action = input[:, t + 1].vocab_data.cpu().numpy() # might need to realign here because start added
pred_action= torch.argmax(output_t,dim=2)
counter_for_keep_del = [i[0] + 1 if i[1] == 2 or i[1] == 3 or i[1] == 5 else i[0]
for i in zip(counter_for_keep_del, pred_action)]
# update rnn_words
# find previous generated word
# give previous word from tgt simp_sent
dummy_2 = inds.view(-1, 1).cuda()
org_t = org_ids.gather(1, dummy_2)
hidden_words = self.execute_batch(pred_action, org_t, hidden_words) # we give the editted subsequence
# hidden_words = self.execute_batch(pred_action, org_t, hidden_org) #here we only give the word
t += 1
check = sum([x >= org_ids.size(1) for x in counter_for_keep_del])
if check:
return torch.cat(decoder_out, dim=1), hidden_edits