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Cross platform personalization tool for the YubiKey NEO
== YubiKey NEO Manager
NOTE: This project is deprecated and is no longer being maintained. Use YubiKey Manager (https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-manager-qt/[GUI], https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-manager/[CLI]) to configure a YubiKey device.
Tool for managing your YubiKey NEO configuration. Connecting multiple keys at once is supported, but only if CCID mode is active for all of them.
Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce - www.entypo.com
Yubico has learned of a security issue with the OpenPGP Card applet project that is used in the YubiKey NEO. This vulnerability applies to you only if you are using OpenPGP, and you have the OpenPGP applet version 1.0.9 or earlier. link:https://developers.yubico.com/ykneo-openpgp/SecurityAdvisory%202015-04-14.html[SecurityAdvisory 2015-04-14]
=== Installation The recommended way to install this software including dependencies is by using the provided precompiled binaries for your platform. For Windows and OS X (10.7 and above), there are installers available for download https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-neo-manager/Releases/[here]. For Ubuntu we have a https://launchpad.net/%7eyubico/+archive/ubuntu/stable[custom PPA] containing the https://launchpad.net/%7eyubico/+archive/ubuntu/stable/+packages?field.name_filter=yubikey-neo-manager&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=[yubikey-neo-manager] package.
=== Dependencies YubiKey NEO Manager requires PySide, libykneomgr, yubikey-personalization and libu2f-host.
=== Running tests Tests can be run using the "nosetests" command, from the python-nose package. Alternatively "python setup.py test" can be used, but this will cause PySide to be compiled from source, requiring the python-dev package.
=== Building binaries Binaries for Windows and OSX are built using PyInstaller.
Get the source release file, yubikey-neo-manager-
When building binaries for Windows or OS X, you will need to include .dll/.dylib files from the libykneomgr, yubikey-personalization, and libu2f-host projects. Create a subdirectory called "lib" in the release directory. Download the correct binary release for your architecture for each of the aforementioned projects from https://developers.yubico.com/ and extract the .dll/.dylib files for each of them together with the included dependencies to the "lib" directory you created previously.
==== Windows For Windows you will need python, PySide, PyCrypto, PyInstaller and Pywin32 installed (32 or 64-bit versions depending on the architecture of the binary your are building).
To sign the executable you will need signtool.exe (from the Windows SDK) either copied into the root as well or in a location in your PATH, as well as a certificate in the Windows certificate store that you wish to sign with.
Run "python setup.py executable" from the main release directory."
With NSIS installed, a Windows installer will be built as well.
==== OSX For OSX you need python, pyside, pycrypto, and pyinstaller installed. One way to install these dependencies is by using Homebrew:
brew install python brew install pyside pip install PyInstaller pip install pycrypto
NOTE: Homebrew will build backwards-incompatible binaries, so the resulting build will not run on an older version of OSX. For building distributable releases you can use MacPorts instead.
Run "python setup.py executable" from the main release directory. This will create an .app in the dist directory.
Sign the code using codesign:
codesign -s 'Developer ID Application' dist/YubiKey\ NEO\ Manager.app --deep
There is also a project file for use with
located at resources/neoman.pkgproj
This can be used to create an installer for distribution, which you should sign
prior to distribution:
packagesbuild resources/osx-installer.pkgproj productsign --sign 'Developer ID Installer' dist/YubiKey\ NEO\ Manager.pkg dist/yubikey-neo-manager-mac.pkg