CBTrans copied to clipboard
Compact Bidirectional Transformer for Image Captioning
- Python 3.8
- Pytorch 1.6
- lmdb
- h5py
- tensorboardX
Prepare Data
- Please use git clone --recurse-submodules to clone this repository and remember to follow initialization steps in coco-caption/README.md.
- Download the preprocessd dataset from this link and extract it to data/.
- Please download the converted VinVL feature from this link[password:6666] then execute
cat mscoco_VinVL* > mscoco_VinVL.tar.gz
andtar xzvf mscoco_VinVL.tar.gz
and place them under data/. You can also optionally follow this instruction to prepare the fixed or adaptive bottom-up features extracted by Anderson and place them under data/mscoco/ or data/mscoco_adaptive/. - Download part checkpoints from here and extract them to save/.
Offline Evaluation
To reproduce the results of single CBTIC model on Karpathy test split, just run
python eval.py --model save/nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat/model-best.pth --infos_path save/nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat/infos_nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat-best.pkl --beam_size 2 --id nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat --split test
To reproduce the results of ensemble of CBTIC models on Karpathy test split, just run
python eval_ensemble.py --ids nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat-seed1 nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat-seed2 nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat-seed3 --weights 1 1 1 1 --beam_size 2 --split test
Online Evaluation
Please first run
python eval_ensemble.py --split test --language_eval 0 --ids nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat-seed1 nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat-seed2 nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat-seed3 --weights 1 1 1 1 --input_json data/cocotest.json --input_fc_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_test2014/cocobu_fc --input_att_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_test2014/cocobu_att --input_label_h5 data/cocotalk_bw_label.h5 --language_eval 0 --batch_size 128 --beam_size 2 --id captions_test2014_cbtic_results
and then follow the instruction to upload results.
- In the first training stage, such as using VinVL feature, run
python train.py --noamopt --noamopt_warmup 20000 --seq_per_img 5 --batch_size 10 --beam_size 1 --learning_rate 5e-4 --num_layers 6 --input_encoding_size 512 --rnn_size 2048 --learning_rate_decay_start 0 --scheduled_sampling_start 0 --save_checkpoint_every 3000 --language_eval 1 --val_images_use 5000 --max_epochs 15 --checkpoint_path save/transformer-cb-VinVL-feat --id transformer-cb-VinVL-feat --caption_model cbt --input_fc_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_fc --input_att_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_att --input_box_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_box
- Then in the second training stage, you need two GPUs with 12G memory each, please copy the above pretrained model first
cd save
./copy_model.sh transformer-cb-VinVL-feat nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat
cd ..
and then run
python train.py --seq_per_img 5 --batch_size 10 --beam_size 1 --learning_rate 1e-5 --num_layers 6 --input_encoding_size 512 --rnn_size 2048 --save_checkpoint_every 3000 --language_eval 1 --val_images_use 5000 --self_critical_after 14 --max_epochs 30 --start_from save/nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat --checkpoint_path save/nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat --id nsc-transformer-cb-VinVL-feat --caption_model cbt --input_fc_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_fc --input_att_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_att --input_box_dir data/mscoco_VinVL/cocobu_box
- Even if fixing all random seed, we find that the results of the two runs are still slightly different when using DataParallel on two GPUs. However, the results can be reproduced exactly when using one GPU.
- If you are interested in the ablation studies, you can use the
git reflog
to list all commits and usegit reset --hard commit_id
to change to corresponding commit.
title={Compact Bidirectional Transformer for Image Captioning},
author={Yuanen Zhou and Zhenzhen Hu and Daqing Liu and Huixia Ben and Meng Wang},
This repository is built upon self-critical.pytorch. Thanks for the released code.