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Error when trying to scale and collaps multiple clades on tree
Hi there,
I'm trying to visualize a tree with multiple selected clades being scaled (condensed) and collapsed to save space for a publication figure.
I've seen the issue also reported in the ggtree google group. I've attached a reprex below to illustrate the issue when trying to scale and collapse multiple clades.
I think somewhat relates to this.
Any help and suggestions would be very welcome.
Many thanks in advance!
## Scaling and collapsing multiple clades on tree ##
## load packages
## load example tree
raxml_file <- system.file("extdata/RAxML", "RAxML_bipartitionsBranchLabels.H3", package="treeio")
tree <- read.raxml(raxml_file)
# tree <- read.newick(raxml_file, node.label = "support")
## print example tree for inspection
# ggtree(tree) + geom_tiplab()
## access root node data for sub-setting and plotting bootstrap support values
root <- rootnode(tree)
## Visualize tree
tree <- ggtree(tree) +
## label with internal node numbers for downstream pruning and collapsing of clades
# geom_label(aes(label=node), size = 2.5, nudge_x = -0.005, nudge_y = 0.0, label.size = 0.05) +
geom_tiplab(size = 3) +
## Display different shaded points for bootstrap values
geom_point2(aes(subset=!isTip & node != root & bootstrap > 80,
fill = cut(bootstrap, breaks = c(80, 90, 95, 100))),
shape = 21, size = 1.5) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("black", "grey", "white"), guide='legend',
name='Bootstrap Support (BS)',
breaks=c('(95,100]', '(90,95]', '(80,90]'),
labels=expression(BS>=95,80 <= BS * " < 95", BS > 80)) +
theme_tree(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.75),
legend.title = element_text(size = 10),
legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA)) +
xlim(0, 0.15) +
geom_treescale(x = 0.02, y = 43, offset = -1, linesize = 1, fontsize = 2.5)
## print tree
## Scale and collapse multiple clades
## scale and collapse first clade
# p <- scaleClade(tree, 113, .4) %>% collapse(113, "mixed", fill="black", alpha=0.4) %>% expand(113)
p1 <- scaleClade(tree, 113, .4) %>% collapse(113, "mixed", fill="black", alpha=0.4)
p1 # print tree with scaled and collapsed clade
#> Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values (geom_point_g_gtree).
## scale and collapse second clade
p2 <- scaleClade(p1, 81, .4) %>% collapse(81, "mixed", fill="steelblue", alpha=0.4)
#> Error in if (sum(ii) > 0) {: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
p2 ## Tree p2 includes no scaling and collapsing of first clade as in tree p1
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'p2' not found
Created on 2022-09-23 with reprex v2.0.2
I am having the same issue, were you able to solve it?
Same issue here.
I am having the same issue, were you able to solve it?
Problem apparently solved. I realized scaleClade did not work after a collapse, so I tried scaling all clades first, and then collapsing. It worked! Example where p is my tree:
p1 <- scaleClade(p, 2457, .2) %>%
scaleClade(2410, .2) %>%
scaleClade(2122, .2) %>%
ggtree::collapse(2457, 'max', fill="red") %>%
ggtree::collapse(2410, 'max', fill="red") %>%
ggtree::collapse(2122, 'max', fill="red")
I am having the same issue, were you able to solve it?
Problem apparently solved. I realized scaleClade did not work after a collapse, so I tried scaling all clades first, and then collapsing. It worked! Example where p is my tree:
p1 <- scaleClade(p, 2457, .2) %>% scaleClade(2410, .2) %>% scaleClade(2122, .2) %>% ggtree::collapse(2457, 'max', fill="red") %>% ggtree::collapse(2410, 'max', fill="red") %>% ggtree::collapse(2122, 'max', fill="red") p1
Works for me! Thanks a lot!