clusterProfiler copied to clipboard
"compareCluster with enrichGO" gives me NA for one of the conditions
Cheers, I have differentially expressed genes for three conditions (3, 6 and 10 DAS). I do the cluster comparison using "enrichGO". For the Upregulated comparison it works very well, but for the downregulated comparisons NA appears for 3 DAS; I think this is not right; Although I don't know how to explain it. pdta: Previously it happened to me with other data, but at that time it was just my essays and I didn't pay attention.
Is there any idea for this?
Thank you very much
I had 193 DEGs at 3 DAS 7158 DEGs at 6 DAS 3598 DEGs at 10 DAS
RStudio 2022.02.2+485 "Prairie Trillium" Release (8acbd38b0d4ca3c86c570cf4112a8180c48cc6fb, 2022-04-19) for Windows Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.12.8 Chrome/69.0.3497.128 Safari/537.36
This is my script
#Comparison Dowm Regulated at 3, 6 and 10 DAS
universe<- read.delim ("Universe.txt") universe<-as.character(universe[,1]) universe <- sort(universe, decreasing = TRUE)
#File DEG_Downgrupos = read.delim("ComparisonDown.txt", header = TRUE)
#change names names(DEG_Downgrupos) DEG_Downgrupos = rename(DEG_Downgrupos, c(Down_3DAS = "3 DAS" , Down_6DAS = "6 DAS" , Down_10DAS = "10 DAS"))
#Checking change View(DEG_Downgrupos)
#ORA with Clusterprofiler ORA_Downgrupos <- compareCluster(geneClusters=DEG_Downgrupos,enrichGO, OrgDb = org.At.tair.db, keyType = "TAIR", ont = "BP", pAdjustMethod = "BH", universe = universe, pvalueCutoff = 0.05, qvalueCutoff = 0.05, readable = FALSE)
clust_result< tapply(clust_result$Cluster,clust_result$Cluster,length)
> tapply(clust_result$Cluster,clust_result$Cluster,length) 3 DAS 6 DAS 10 DAS NA 178 205
###############SO, I tried to do the GO analysis only for 3DAS and the same thing happens, there are result, but when I applied "simplify" the result does not associate any GO term. Check the data, I don't find anything strange...
Is there any idea for this?
Thank you very much