ChIPseeker copied to clipboard
Hi I am wanting to switch from my ChIP-seq analysis to displaying the genes that correspond to the peaks I created with MACS2, these are the commands I was doing so I loaded the reference genome and my data
library(BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce10 ) library(ChIPseeker) txdb <- BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce10 setwd("C:/Users/utente/Desktop/Tesi/Dati") samplefiles <- list.files("C:/Users/utente/Desktop/Tesi/Dati", pattern= ".bed", full.names=T) samplefiles <- as.list(samplefiles) names(samplefiles) <- c("H3K27", "H3K36","H3K4")
promoter <- getPromoters(txdb, upstream=500, downstream=500) tagMatrixList <- lapply(samplefiles, getTagMatrix, windows=promoter)
suppressWarnings(getTagMatrix(samplefiles[[1]], windows=promoter), classes = "warning")
but these are the errors I get that I don't understand how to solve
tagMatrixList <- lapply(samplefiles, getTagMatrix, windows=promoter)
preparing start_site regions by ... 2022-09-21 11:30:52 preparing tag matrix... 2022-09-21 11:30:52 Error in split.default(1:length(windows), as.factor(seqnames(windows))) : group length is 0 but data length > 0 In addition: Warning message: In .Seqinfo.mergexy(x, y) : The 2 combined objects have no sequence levels in common. (Use suppressWarnings() to suppress this warning.) suppressWarnings(getTagMatrix(samplefiles[[1]], windows=promoter), classes = "warning") preparing start_site regions by ... 2022-09-21 11:31:02 preparing tag matrix... 2022-09-21 11:31:02 Error in split.default(1:length(windows), as.factor(seqnames(windows))) : group length is 0 but data length > 0
what can I do? Thank you
The 2 combined objects have no sequence levels in common.
for this warning ,try to see if it can solve.
if this can not solve your problem, it would be convenient to attach your data file to help you.