I found that running some of your comparison experiments revealed a few problems: Take running META_Unet as an example.May I ask what the problem is and if you can help?...
I used the breast cancer dataset BUSI for training and pre-processed the data, but I encountered a problem during training #----------Training----------# Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 188,...
Hello, I have a problem generating images, and when I use them, I find that the generated pictures are randomly generated and repetitive, I would like to ask you how...
Hi, I generated the BUSI data set according to the guidance of your paper, but the quality of my pictures is not as high as that of your paper. Could...
Hi, I would like to know how your dataset is stored, I read your two papers and found that the dataset storage format is from the last CMU, I would...
Hello! I would like to know how your mean and std are calculated if training other datasets, because I see that in semi-supervised learning, the unlabelled and labelled files contain...
HI! Congratulations on your successful submission,I checked your xnet.py and found that there are no wavelets in it, but I found that they are provided in your wavelet2D.py, is your...