Android-FloatWindow copied to clipboard
DraggableFlowWindow.dismiss() StackOverflow.
The singleton class DraggableFloatWindow 's dismiss() method is recursive.
Suggest to replace line 63 mWindowManager.dismiss();
with "mWindowManager.removeView(mDraggableFloatView);
to hide the floating window.
Let me know if we can have a pull request to fix this.
Thank you.
So sorry, I just saw this issue, thank you for your reminder, I found the dismiss method, forgot to implement, I think it can be implemented according to what you said, I will add the dismiss button in GetFloatWindowFreePositionActivity, then you can implement it in Submit, thank you
* attach floatView to window
private void attachFloatViewToWindow() {
showState =true;
if (mDraggableFloatView == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("DraggableFloatView can not be null");
if (mParams == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("WindowManager.LayoutParams can not be null");
try {
mWindowManager.updateViewLayout(mDraggableFloatView, mParams);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
//if floatView not attached to window,addView
mWindowManager.addView(mDraggableFloatView, mParams);
* detach floatView from window
private void detachFloatViewFromWindow() {
// TODO: 18-7-30 @lhr2528 you can fix issue 2 here
if (showState) {
showState =false;
public boolean isShowing(){
return showState;