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v4 chemistry
Hi, I would like to run Cassiopia preprocessing on a 10X v4 chemistry library. Based on my understanding of your code, and v4 vs. v3 library structure, it seems that I could run cas.pp.convert_fastqs_to_unmapped_bam with chemistry='10xv3' to generate the needed bams. But then provide the v4 cell barcode whitelist in cas.pp.error_correct_cellbcs_to_whitelist . Otherwise, I could execute the pipeline as described in the tutorials without further modification. Is that right?
Also, I don't quite understand the difference in the code between the chemistry='10xv3' and '10xv2' invocations of convert_fastqs_to_unmapped_bam. I can't seem to find the instantiation of the ngs.chemistry object. Can you point me to that so I can implement code for v4 if necessary?