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A webvr multi-scenes Single-page application for three.js, webpack


A webvr multi-pages project for three.js, es6/7, webpack and postcss.



  • webvr: a webvr boilerplate supporting scenes changing
  • three.js: use as the global varriable
  • es6/7: by babel and it's presets and plugins
  • postcss: by postcss-loader
  • webpack provides faster compilation
  • glsl: import .glsl files for shaders


$ npm install
# or
$ yarn install


You can custom your local environment port via webpack.config.js.

Run in development

$ npm start

Build for production

$ npm run build

This will generator minified scripts to dist/.

Create webvr page

Here comes the basic script to create a webvr page. See more pages in src/views/*.js .

import { VRScene } from '@/core';

class Index extends VRScene {
  assets() {
    return {
      TEXTURE_SKYBOX: 'texture/360bg.jpg'
  start() {
     // create panorama
    const { TEXTURE_SKYBOX } = this.assets;
    const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(radius,50,50);
    const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: new THREE.TextureLoader().load(TEXTURE_SKYBOX),side:THREE.BackSide } );
    const panorama = new THREE.Mesh(geometry,material);
  loaded() {
    console.log('assets has been loaded.');
  update(delta) {
    // animate
export default Index;

Init WebVR and Add Routers

import WebVRApp from '@/core'
// create router map
        path: '/', // e.g
        component: () => import('@/views/index.js')
        path: '/user', // e.g
        component: () => import('@/views/userPage.js')
        path: '/detail', // e.g
        component: () => import('@/views/detailPage.js')

VRScene class API

VRScene class is a class for create a scene below the root scene.

name type description
start Function() excute before the first rendering
loaded Function() excute after all the textures,3d models and audio are loaded
update Function() excute during each rendering
assets Function() declear assets path for the scene
root Object gobal property ,incluing root.scene, root.camera and so on.


Using this.root to get gobal variable among all VRScenes. It is a property of the VRScene instance, incluing root.scene, root.camera and so on.

name type description
root.router Object router for controling the action between vr scenes
root.scene THREE.Scene global webvr scene
root.camera THREE.PerspectiveCamera global camera of first person
root.renderer THREE.Renderer global renderer
root.crossHair THREE.Object3d global crosshair
root.display VRDisplay vrdispaly[0]


root.router is a router controling the action between vr pages.

  • push(routerName) this.root.router.push('home') // goto,history will push state
  • replace(routerName) this.root.router.replace('home') // goto,history will replace state
  • back()

By using this.root.router.push can just fetch the script of page when you need to goto other vr pages.

this.root.router.push('2'); // it will redirect to e.g:

How it work

Need Help

Ask questions here.

Any advise

PR welcome here.


Yone Chen [email protected]
