> Hey @Yomanz, can you please share what exact Kamon/Caffeine/Java versions are you using here? Thanks! Absolutely! Java: Corretto 17 (Scala 2.13.7) Kamon: 2.6.0 Caffeine: [3.1.1](https://github.com/blemale/scaffeine/blob/main/project/CaffeineVersion.scala) (Scaffeine 5.2.1)
@ivantopo I've just noticed that Kamon doesn't monitor async caffeine caches, is there a specific reason for this?
Hi @ivantopo, are there any updates here? I can always take a peek at fixing it.
Hi @PawelJ-PL, wondering if you came to a solution here?
Any updates on this, seems to have been stale for quite a while.