Using the patch roblox should work as long as you pass a gpu. From the looks of it, the only checks they act on is if you don't have a...
## Platform NixOS 23.11 Graphical gnome x86_64 iso [link](https://channels.nixos.org/nixos-23.11/latest-nixos-gnome-x86_64-linux.iso) ## Additional information Gnome set me into wayland automatically even though I have an Nvidia GPU https://prnt.sc/-FUSqelRNLjm ## Output Output This...
## Platform NixOS 23.11 Graphical gnome x86_64 iso [link](https://channels.nixos.org/nixos-23.11/latest-nixos-gnome-x86_64-linux.iso) ## Additional information I selected to wipe my entire nvme ssd ## Output Attempt 1 Fails to mount swap due to...