Project-Map copied to clipboard
Hello all, thank you for all the feedback, but for now I am not interested in actively developing it further, I put it in "maintenance mode", so I will only do critical bug fixes.
Feel free to branch the plugin and create your own version, it's open source.
This addon is great! A bug I found:
- nodes won't update if files are renamed/deleted
Awesome to hear you like it :)
I will check this when I have some time ;)
I updated the project with a fix for files move and delete. Thanks for the report! As a bonus you can now also drag and drop multiple files at once.
If you update, be careful to not overwrite your addons/project_map/project_map.tscn, because it is here your graph is saved.
In the new version, it will be saved as project_map_save.tscn, so there will be no risk of overwrite.
Please tell me if you encounter any issue ;)
Great addon! Thanks
I would love to see a undo and redo feature :)
And the possibility to add links to folders. 👌
Ant the layering (of groups) should get improved/added
Hello, thanks for your feedback!
I will check if I can create an undo/redo feature, can't promise anything though, but this is something I would like to add.
So, for the folder links, how would it work? You would drag a folder on the map and then when you click on it it would open it in the Godot file system or open it in the OS filesystem? I can try to implement something.
What improvement would you suggest for the groups?
Just shift every clicked node to the highest layer. I also thought about the folder link. It should just select the folder in the directory tree and scroll to it. In Godot there actually already is a „show me the file or folder in the Godot files system“-functionality.
New version 1.3 released with directory nodes, comment nodes, undo/redo and improved group handling.
the addon is awesome... think I found a bug though. when making changes the current scene tab is updated with (*)
signaling it's unsaved. and of course "saving" that scene will not remove the (*)
as it didn't actually change... it was of course project_map_save.tscn that actually changed and isn't even open in the normal scene editor.
I'm running godot v3.3.1.
Thank you for the report!
I'm using the built-in undo/redo system of the editor, so it seems Godot attached the actions to the currently open scene and mark it as modified. I don't see an option to not have the actions attached to the scene, unfortunately.
The way to solve this would be to code my own undo/redo system, but I'm not sure it's worth it, as I don't see any ill side-effect.
You move the groups (and the other nodes) by dragging the icon.
Normally after installation, there is a text node in the project map with the explanation, did you get it?
I would like it very much if I could change the CTRL + SPACEBAR hotkey to another one, or to change the default hotkey. The reason is, in the code, to get autocompletion, you use this hotkey. So your plugin renders unusable that way... :(
hello, thanks for the feedback :)
You can simply edit the shortcut in the file "addons/project_map/" to something that suits you more.
What do you think would be a good shortcut?
I don't know, maybe CTRL + M, for Map, or CTRL + P, for Project, as it is easier to remember, but I have to check if they're already in use
Great project! Here are some ideas:
- The ability to delete with the backspace button and not just the actual delete button
- Have comments be part of a group
- Add titles as a type complementing the comment
Awesome plugin! Such a better way of visualizing the pieces of a project. Would love if "sub groups" were a thing. I.e. if I have a group node within a group node, when dragging the outer group node the inner one should move with it.
Hello all, thank you for all the feedback, but for now I am not interested in actively developing it further, I put it in "maintenance mode", so I will only do critical bug fixes.
Feel free to branch the plugin and create your own version, it's open source.