frece icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
frece copied to clipboard

Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency + recency)

License: MIT CI Status Publish Status

Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency + recency).

  • Installation
  • Commands
  • Examples
    • General
    • Rofi


Simply download the latest release and add the frece executable to PATH.

Arch Linux users may install from the AUR packages frece or frece-git.


frece provides the following subcommands:

increment    Increases an entry's count and resets its timer
init         Creates a database file from given list of entries
print        Prints list of frecency sorted entries
update       Updates a database file from given list of entries

See frece --help or the Examples section for more information.



Begin by creating a database:

# Create list of entries
$ echo "apple
cherry" > fruits.txt

# Initialize a database using list of items
$ frece init "fruits.db" "fruits.txt"

Access entries and print out a frecency sorted list of entries:

# Access an entry
$ frece increment "fruits.db" "cherry"

# Print out frecency sorted list
$ frece print "fruits.db"


Furthermore, a database can be updated with new entries:

# Create another list
$ echo "apple
grapefruit" > fruits.txt

# Update database with new list
# Optionally, purge old entries like "banana"
$ frece update "fruits.db" "fruits.txt" --purge-old

# Print out frecency sorted list (verbosely)
$ frece print "fruits.db" --verbose

frecency   count  last access date           item
0.128476       1  2019-05-17T00:49:14+00:00  cherry
0.000000       0  1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00  apple
0.000000       0  1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00  elderberry
0.000000       0  1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00  grapefruit


The following examples may be found in the examples directory:

examples/dir        Open a directory
examples/emoji      Copy an emoji to clipboard
examples/file       Open a file

For instance, examples/dir may be used as follows:

  1. Initialize/update a database in $HOME/.frece_dir.db, providing a list of paths to directories to index:

    SEARCH_PATHS=("$HOME" "/some/other/path")
    ./examples/ "${SEARCH_PATHS[@]}"

    Tip: run this periodically via a systemd timer or cronjob to refresh the database.

  2. Open with rofi, optionally providing a list of arguments:

    ROFI_ARGS=(-p 'folders' -i -levenshtein-sort)
    ./examples/ "${ROFI_ARGS[@]}"

    This will open up a rofi menu with entries sorted by frecency:

Similarly, other examples are offered, including a rofi script to copy emojis to clipboard: