homebridge-mi-aqara icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
homebridge-mi-aqara copied to clipboard

a homebridge plugin for XiaoMi Aqara plugin.

Results 107 homebridge-mi-aqara issues
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Single and double press works but not long press. Any iideas?

Intrigued by my Xiaomi Gateway. It has a lot of cool features. As a new feature request for this plugin, I would love to activate stored sound files when actions...

sid - mac in lower case letters (04cf8c743b90) password - as is (559076C9D69D4D52) "gateways": { "04cf8c743b90": "559076C9D69D4D52" }

```log [2019-4-12 15:32:44] [MiAqaraPlatform] [INFO]start success... [2019-4-12 15:32:44] [MiAqaraPlatform] [INFO]config gateways: 0XXXXXXXXXXX [2019-4-12 15:32:44] [MiAqaraPlatform] [INFO]bind address is: [2019-4-12 15:32:44] [MiAqaraPlatform] [DEBUG][Revc]{"cmd":"virtual_iam","sid":"0XXXXXXXXXXX","port":"9898","ip":"XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"} [2019-4-12 15:32:44] [MiAqaraPlatform] [DEBUG][Send]{"cmd":"read", "sid":"0XXXXXXXXXXX"} [2019-4-12 15:32:44]...

我已試過重新安裝homebridge, 看到mi-aqara正常啟動,但是找不到配件。 如用回舊版aqara就正常沒有問題。

i'm trying send to /homebridge-mi-aqara/write {"cmd": "write", "model": "ctrl_neutral2", "sid": "MY-SID", "params": [{"channel_0": "off"}], "key": "${key}"} not working

So in the mi home app I can do automation rules for when the temperature sensor changes above or below a certain temperature. Home on iOS says it can't be...

Hi there, my problem is, that neither my gateway or my accessories are showing up in HomeKit. **Log from HB:** Jul 29 20:52:57 raspberrypi homebridge[4675]: [7/29/2019, 8:52:57 PM] [MiAqaraPlatform] Initializing...

Double Wireless Switches are showing up just fine and can be assigned, But i've recently added two Single wireless switches to muy miHome gateway and these do not show up...

Hello! I receive this error in console when I'm trying to switch a pug from Xioami and it doesn't work unless I restart homebridge. `"platforms": [{ "platform": "MiAqaraPlatform", "gateways": {...