Attention-Based-Siamese-Text-CNN-for-Stance-Detection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Attention-Based-Siamese-Text-CNN-for-Stance-Detection copied to clipboard

Final project for NLP(DATA130006) in Fudan university.

Fake News Challenge

Here is the final project for NLP course.

Our work include several parts:

  1. Data preprocessing
  2. Conventional Machine Learning Method
  3. Seq2seq Attention model
  4. TextCNN and Siamese Network
  5. Others (e.g. Related work in the competition, future work)

1. Data preprocessing

We provide several data preprocessing methods: BoW (Bag of words), TF-IDF, word2vec, doc2vec.

Each py file produce x_1 (doc representation) x_2 (title representation) and y (label).

These data can output as spy-data, which can be used in the model.

2. Conventional Machine Learning

We provide py file to classify the instances by Conventional Machine Learning (e.g. SVM, Random Forest), the codes are implemented on sklearn. Environments requirements: sklearn numpy

3. Seq2seq Attention model

The codes is generally base on one attention based sequence-to-sequence model ( with his pretrained model. To use the code to generate summary of the text. Run: python3 --mode=decode --data_path=/path/to/chunked/val_* --vocab_path=/path/to/vocab --log_root=/path/to/a/log/directory --exp_name=myexperiment Environments requirements: tensorflow (1.2.1) numpy

4. TextCNN and Siamese Network

The codes of TextCNN with Siamese Network are our novel work, the construction of CNN refered conventional TextCNN (, we extend the Siamese structure for our purpose.

Main_v5 is the newest version till now.

Before using, you need to add raw data into fnc_data folder, and implement word2vec bin file named vector100.bin in the root folder.

Moreover, tensorflow (1.3.0 & 1.4.1 are supported, but either under 1.0 or 1.6 causes some minor conflicts), word2vec and numpy package.

''*_FineGrain": means 3-class fine grain classification (Specific relation of "related")

"*_FullDoc" : means use full documents word2vec matrix as x_1

Default: classification of related/unrelated, use attention based title to replace full documents.

5. Others

The detail step of UCL's work are in folder: ./UCL_Repeat/ Environments requirements: Python 3.5 Tensorflow 0.12.1 Scipy Numpy