GenerativeFaceCompletion copied to clipboard
Matlab has encountered an internal problem and needs to close
hero , when run the 'demo_face128.m',I encounter a problem 'Matlab has encountered an internal problem and needs to close',what should i do ? i use cuda 8.0 cudnn 5.1 matlab 2016a , matcaffe compile sucessedly,win 10 ; however when i run the demo on the ubuntu 14.04 cuda 8.0 cudnn 7.5 matlab 2014a matcaffe compile sucessedly ,still this problem .
Have you solved your problem? I have the same problem, and I don't know how to solve it.
i still have the problem ,how about you ?
when i chose change the folder this problem came out too .does anybody know how to solve it ?
I have run it successful on the ubuntu 16.04 ,but still failed on ubuntu14.04 compute that i dont know it the problem the others;
I have run it successful on the ubuntu 16.04 ,but still failed on ubuntu14.04 compute that i dont know it the problem the others;
glad to know that 16.04 was successfull. Can you clarify what version of matlab, cuda, and cudnn that u used to compile matcaffe? Thanks before