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Impossible to add a Geojson layer
I've been using your library to try to display a map on a nativescript/angular app and i ran into an issue.
I created my map, no problem there, and then tried to add a Geojson layer on top of that. I used the addLayer method like described in the documentation and kept running into an error "No map has been loaded".
After multiple checks on my code, i investigated the source code of the lib to find more info about what i did wrong and found that :
The addLayer method calls the addLineLayer because in my case i want to draw lines (
addLineLayers calls the addSource to add the layer source (
As you can see, it calls it with 2 parameters.
this.addSource( sourceId, style.source );
In addSource ( we have a 3rd optional parameter called nativeMap.
the first thing the method does is check that parameter and return an error if it's not set.
const theMap = nativeMap; if (!theMap) { reject("No map has been loaded"); return; }
So i have an error. It's logical but unexpected.
Is this an error or am i using a deprecated method to add a layer ?
After more tests i realized that the "nativeMapView" that is supposed to be the 3rd parameter is actually never defined at all for android. So it's undefined and event by passing it to the addSource it wouldn't work.
Also, in the addSource method, at the end, there is a piece of code :
if (!source) { var ex = "No source to add"; reject(ex); return; } theMap.mapboxMap.addSource(source);
But the variable source is never defined in the method if type === 'geojson'.
If i remove the if that checks for the source to be present, the if that checks for theMap to be present and the last line where it tries to do the addSource on theMap, my geojson is displayed correctly on the map.
So there's no way that addLayer could work with a geojson in it's current form.
I'm guessing i'm not calling the correct method but it's weired that there's code about geojson there that would never work and that it works by removing the strange code.
So i'm confused. I also don't see anything else to achive what i want.
I have to fix it. My plan is to loop back focus on the backlog of issues and pull requests starting this Friday.
I'll work on something else then and check for updates of the lib later.
I think I have this working now.
Please checkout branch issue_367_geojsonsource.
Rebuild the plugin and demo-angular app using:
cd src
npm run build.debug
cd ../demo-angular
tns run <platform>
I've added a test-source page to the demo angular app.
Let me know if it works for you.
I built it and tested it on my own app and it works fine.
Thank you for the fix, i'll update my dependencies as soon as it's released.
how would I install this specific branch of the plugin in my existing project? Not the demo project.
Checkout the branch. Build the plugin Then reference it from your project in package.json
"nativescript-mapbox": "file:../nativescript-mapbox/publish/dist/package",
(Update the path to match your hierarchy obviously)
Hey @Yermo. Will you release a version with this implementation?
Yes. I plan to do another major pass through the plugin in a few weeks.
Hello Yermo. Since I know you are pretty busy but you made a great work finding a path to fix many of the opened issues, I want to give you a help to make tests of the almost-ready updates and try to summarize them all into a working and updated release of this module, with a complete and updated demo sample. Please, get in tour with me to give it a boost 🎉
@mircobabini that would be awesome. I am almost finished with the project that has occupied all my time, but if you could lend a hand it would be a huge help.
Hey @Yermo just back from holidays. Sure, let me know when you find time to wrap all the most important edits into a new branch or something. Also, let me know if you want to share a roadmap.
Hi @Yermo how do i use this feature on my local app?