nativescript-mapbox copied to clipboard
Remove all polygons/polylines don't work on iOS
I was trying to draw on the map some one polygon and some polylines following the user walk and I needed to create my own method to refresh these. Concretly, this method consist to remove all polygon/polylines and after recreate these.
So I use something like for the polygon
this.mapbox.removePolygons().then(() => {
return this.mapbox.addPolygon({
id: 1
fillColor: new Color(color),
fillOpacity: 0.7,
// stroke-related properties are only effective on iOS
strokeWidth: 0,
points: coords
without parameter works on Android, but on iOS it does not remove any polygon. The workaround for this is to give an id at the creation of each polygon/polylines, and add this identifier in the method parameters.
Could it be improved in future release ?
PS : If i give the identifier "0" to my polygon or polyline, it does not create the object with the ID 0 in iOS, but with an unique ID based on the current time. Need to be improved too ?
Thanks in advance, Antoine
@AntoineBouquet Hey I have encountered the same issue. After debugging for a while I think I might find the cause of that. You have to set the polyline id any number other than 0.
I looked into the source code, when a polyline is added, this code will be excused var polylineID = "polyline_" + ( || new Date().getTime());
If the id is 0, it will just bypass
and create a new id with new Date().getTime()
I changed the id to other numbers and it worked for me. I don't know why it works on Android but not IOS though.