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Add animations to choo navigation system


add handi animations to choo native events


There are many ways to use this module.

var { fadeIn, fadeOut } = require('animation-toolbox')

var app = choo()
  animations: {'fadein': fadeIn, 'fadeout': fadeOut},
  before: 'fadeout',
  after: 'fadein'

app.route('/', require('./views/main'))
app.route('/*', require('./views/404'))


Or through data tags

var { fadeIn, fadeOut } = require('animation-toolbox')

var app = choo()
  animations: {'fadein': fadeIn, 'fadeout': fadeOut}

app.route('/', require('./views/main'))
app.route('/*', require('./views/404'))


// in your view
module.exports = function view (state, emit) {
  return html`<body data-before-transition="fadeout" data-after-transition="fadein">


var store = animate(opts)

You can pass two options to the store function:

  • animations: Required. An object where every property has a function as value, that get an element and return a Web Animation instance. This isn't quite accurate, because you could just return an object with a play function as a property, but is highly recommendable to use the web animation api, otherwise you should optimize and check manually a lot of stuff.
  • elements: Optional. An array like set of HTMLElements. animations will be applied to each of these elements. The store will first check for elements in your view with data-{before|after}-transition tags, if none is found, it will check if you provide this option, lastly, if not supplied, it would apply animations on document.body element.
  • before: Optional. A string with the name of the animation to be ran before a page transition (navigate event in choo lifecycle). If you have data transitions tags and also set this option, it will try to use the data tag, so you can use this to set different transitions on different elements.
  • after: Optional. A string with the name of the animation to be ran after a page transition (navigate event in choo lifecycle). If you have data transitions tags and also set this option, it will try to use the data tag, so you can use this to set different transitions on different elements.

See also