Не все мы писатели. Скорее даже, что большинство - писатели весьма посредственные (или вообще никакие, вроде меня). Мне кажется что для ресурса будет полезно ввести опцию покупки регистрации на сайте....
Would be good to have some delay before hiding sub-menus in desktop mode, otherwise they are quite hard to use when there are multiple sub navigation levels
### Issue type - **Bug Report:** ### Prerequisites na ### Description At the moment the project npm page is missing a readme. Think it would be a good idea to...
I always hated when people expect you to know how to install and run their software and give zero instructions on it. Please update the home page or at least...
`print(slug('I ♥ UNICODE', {lowercase: false})) ` In the first example on the npm page - the example code uses `lowercase` as the option name, but the correct one is `lower`...