@brettz9 Maybe add some tests to https://github.com/pegjs/pegjs/blob/master/test/behavior/generated-parser-behavior.spec.js?
This does not look like an issue with pegjs. Are you loading your scripts from an unsecure source (http?)
Your link is for http headers. You are in control of whatever headers you send on your server.
Pegjs is a parser generator, it is a bit of a separate breed of JS libs, How would JS inside grammar work without `eval`ing it?
I dont think that is a good solution for a parser generator. Performance is pretty important here after all.
Also, dont forget there already is a `text()` function as well.
Interesting idea, but I personally dont think that would be a clearer way, since it is not obvious which arguments are being passed to the function. Also, if you'd need...
I agree that this could be improved (especially the `found`option) In my own project I work around this by using the location of where the error occurred and "manually" extracting...
I used both UK and US versions of the phone when I was testing the build, so it is proably a card-specific issue. Could you possibly try it with another...
If you could just log everything while the phone boots up with adb logcat and post here - that would be great. In order to do that - you'll need...