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Request: Push a new tag
I'm submitting a ...
- [ ] bug report
- [x] feature request
What is the current behavior? This repository hasn't had a new tag pushed since October 2022, but there have been several PRs and dependency updates merged since then. I was going through my pre-commit hooks and noticed this one hasn't had an update in quite a while.
If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem N/A
What is the expected behavior? N/A
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? Stay up to date on new changes.
Please tell us about your environment:
- detect-secrets Version: N/A
- Python Version: N/A
- OS Version: N/A
- File type (if applicable): N/A
Other information
Thank you for maintaining this pre-commit hook.
@jmctune you're most definitely right. We're aware of this and I can promise you that we'll make a release by the end of this month. Apologies again, but we've been quite busy in the past months.
@jmctune just to keep you in the loop, a new release is coming up by the end of this week. Thank you for your patience 😄
@jmctune detect-secrets v1.5 is out! I'll close this issue, but thank you again for your patience!