Daniel Hill
Daniel Hill
Maybe it's time to consider tossing out doom cli, all together and just directly parse doom's modules, or creating something completely seperate...the `packages.el` files have the pins if we need...
Hey as a causal observer, I'm curious if this was ever solved? I'm somewhat dubious about the initial claims that it could contain such issues around thunks, There was a...
Stylish Haskell has qualified import's aligned column wise, any chance to have it look like this? ```hs import Control.Concurrent (getNumCapabilities) import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad (forM_, when) import GHC.Clock...
I second any sort of higher order implementation. Infact I think we should match flake.nix output syntax: ```shell $ nix build nixpkgs# github:somerepo#pkg --with '{nixpkgs, pkg}: nixpkgs.pkg2.override {inherit pkg;}' ```
KeePass UX avoids ephemeral generation, the dialog makes you select settings and then click okay and it makes a new entry. The Global generator wouldn't be so bad if it...
AMD clearly doesn't get it, Imagine you're college student, looking to built a gaming computer and do a bit of coding on the side. There's zero reason to buy AMD,...
Your suggestion does seem to help. lots of 10: in 1min, I get to 1.5 quadrillion cps lots of 100: in 1min, I get to 14 quadrillion cps assisted lots...
Can you push the branch? would be nice for us linux users to be able to use :P
@nowrep am I wrong in thinking that since we're injecting a dll in to the client app, we should be able to ignore compositor support and just straight wire the...
> Journal entries use their sequence number - which is unique for a given filesystem. This attack seems to apply for journal as well, which is probably far worse than...