DSA_Uplift_Project copied to clipboard
DSA_Uplift_Project Batch 1
How to submit the assignment :question:
Step :one:: Fork the repository. Step :two:: Goto assignments folder. Step :three:: Goto problems folder. Step :four:: Then goto solutions folder. Step :five:: Inside you name folder, create a folder by name of Assignment No. Step :six:: Create a file inside the folder you created in step 5. Step :seven:: Copy and Paste the code you have written, in file created in step 6. Step :eight:: Then create a pull request.
Note: The file name should be Question_No. and create a separate file for each question.
Platforms To Practice :dart:
:diamonds: https://www.codechef.com/
:diamonds: https://codeforces.com/
:diamonds: https://www.hackerrank.com/
:diamonds: https://leetcode.com/
:diamonds: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/
:diamonds: https://www.interviewbit.com/practice/
Curated Resources For Practice 📢
:diamonds: https://techdose.co.in/7-days-dsa-cheat-sheet-quick-preparation-plan/
:diamonds: https://seanprashad.com/leetcode-patterns/
:diamonds: https://450dsa.com/
:diamonds: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SM92efk8oDl8nyVw8NHPnbGexTS9W-1gmTEYfEurLWQ/edit
:diamonds: https://cp-algorithms.com/
:diamonds: https://www.pepcoding.com/most-important-interview-questions-list-for-product-based-companies
:diamonds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1-wKcV99KtO91dXdPkwmXGTdtyxAfk1mbPXQg81R9sFE/htmlview
Online Coding Competitions :heavy_check_mark:
:diamonds: Google Kickstart
:diamonds: Google Hash Code
:diamonds: Google Code Jam
:diamonds: Facebook Hacker Cup
Other Imp Links :100:
:diamonds: General Interview Handbook
:diamonds: Coding Interview Patterns
:diamonds: Best YouTube Channels for Coding
:diamonds: Data Structure & Algorithms Visualizations