
Results 40 issues of Yardanico

We need to provide time, name of plugin in log (when plugin writes something to log)


We need to add terrain support.


We need to add support for actually viewing other players. In order to do this we need to add support for spawn_player packet, including big Entity Metadata type.

help wanted

```nim template anyIt*(s, pred: untyped): bool = var result = false for it {.inject.} in items(s): if pred: result = true break result let path = "hello.backup" if ["backup", "orig",...

Fixes a part of #19287, previously `collect` didn't create a new scope so all variables defined inside of `collect` call were available outside. Also changed newTree(nnkStmtList) to `newStmtList` for shorter...


When trying padofcode/padoftext examples I noticed that when you paste a lot of text, and then remove it, the memory usage will forever stay much higher. Steps: Run padofcode/padoftext Paste...

1) Specifying `exceptions:goto` is optional with `gc:arc` since arc/orc already imply them. It might be useful to be more explicit though, so that's up to your own discretion :) 2)...

I recently discovered an interesting tool - `sstrip`, see https://man.archlinux.org/man/community/elfkickers/sstrip.1.en https://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/elfkickers.html `sudo pacman -S elfkickers` It's a better `strip` that strips everything that isn't needed for the binary to run....

Hi, I'm not sure when it started, but Google Sync seems to be broken, at least for me. This is the request I see KoalaClient do when it updates the...

https://github.com/btbytes/nim-cookbook/tree/master/code directory will contain a lot of files if more code examples will be added. I propose to move all code examples into different directories, e.g. random code examples -...