
Results 132 comments of Yardanico

Can you also add support for BetterTTV emotes? Thanks!

Looks like the parseInline change is much more invasive than I thought - it makes nmark fail around 100 more commonmark tests, so converted the PR into a draft for...

To reproduce (on Windows): 1. Create `file.cmd` with: ```cmd @echo "hi!" ``` 2. Create `test.nim` with: ```nim import std/[osproc, streams] proc readOutput(p: Process): (string, int) = result[0] = "" var...

Yeah, because Python 2 is obsolete now, Python 3 contains many useful features

@linusg python 3 is slightly slower directly compared to python 2, because it's easier to write code to

@linusg pygame is slow itself, because it uses old SDL, new SDL2 is much faster because it does hardware acceleration and many other things (but it's not SDL compatible)

@overdev keeping almost all core code in one file isn't very good too

@overdev type annotations are also helpful if you use mypy or pytype

@kilobyte yeah, `compsize -x` works: ```bash ✘ yard@arch  ~  sudo compsize -x / Processed 308087 files, 228092 regular extents (234987 refs), 171354 inline. Type Perc Disk Usage Uncompressed...

@sdwfrost the error is here because Nim uses GCC-style assembly in its C files (if you embed ASM from nim)