grpregOverlap copied to clipboard
Hi, when trying to use cv.grpsurvOverlap
I get the following error:
Error in cv.grpsurv(X = fit$X.latent, y = y, group = fit$grp.vec, ..., :
argument "cv.ind" is missing, with no default
X <- Lung$X
y <- survival::Surv(time = Lung$y[, 1], event = Lung$y[, 2])
group <- Lung$group
fit <- grpsurv(X, y, group)
# plot(fit)
fit <- cv.grpsurv(X, y, group)
# plot(fit)
named.groups <- lapply(levels(group), function(x)colnames(X)[levels(group) == x])
names(named.groups) <- levels(group)
# I know there are no overlapping groups now, but that should not matter: <- cv.grpsurvOverlap(
X = X
,y = y
,group = named.groups
,trace = TRUE
# ,cv.ind = 1
The previous cv.grpsurvOverlap
now throws the mentioned error, as well as the following:
# Generating overlapping groups:
named.groups_overlapping <- named.groups
named.groups_overlapping$trt <- c(named.groups$trt, "age2") <- cv.grpsurvOverlap(
X = X
,y = y
,group = named.groups_overlapping
,trace = TRUE
# ,cv.ind = 1
I found that cv.grpsurvOverlap.R calls cv.grpsurv with cv.ind=cv.ind
but cv.grpsurv's code does not seem to use it?
I must have missed something somewhere because if cv.ind
was not used at all the error would not even occur.
Maybe a second issue; But defining cv.ind with any value seems to solve the problem and does not change anything in the cv folds.
Could you please take a look?
Best regards