
Results 35 issues of Clivia

# Bug Report ## Description **Bug Summary:** [Provide a brief but clear summary of the bug] **Steps to Reproduce:** [Outline the steps to reproduce the bug. Be as detailed as...

# [BUG] ## I find the question when I used Open WebUI to ask a third party to convert to the openai format was that Open WebUI would request some...

# Pull Request Checklist ### Note to first-time contributors: Please open a discussion post in [Discussions]( and describe your changes before submitting a pull request. **Before submitting, make sure you've...

### Hope - 希望添加此变量,增加画图的成功率!!! - 目前已经自测通过 ### Best Wish - 感谢作者的无私付出,Respect 🫡!

# 解决优化日志文件因为上传文件而过大的问题 ## 我已确认该 PR 已自测通过,相关截图如下: ### 优化报错而不是直接输出文件二进制数据 ![image](