HLCC icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HLCC copied to clipboard

A Hashlink tool to compile hlc output


A Hashlink tool to compile hlc output


  • It expect for Haxe and hl.exe to be available from path
  • It expects for %HASHLINK_BIN% and %HASHLINK% to be set to hl.exe location (hdlls) and include folder respectively.
  • It expects for vcvarsall.bat being available from path, or via %VS100COMNTOOLS% as ../../VC/vcvarsall.bat (VS110, 120 and 140 checked as well)
  • It assumes windows is modern enough to have a where available.


  • You need my fork of hxml library to compile the executable, also library name should be hxml_parser and not hxml because Haxe did not like that name for some reason.
  • Hashlink version at least 1.6
  • run haxe build.hxml
  • run hl hlcc.hl -j bin/hlc.json to generate .exe file.


  • MS Visual Studio 10 - http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/D/9/1D9A6C0E-FC89-43EE-9658-B9F0E3A76983/vc_web.exe
  • hxml_parser - Run: haxelib git hxml_parser https://github.com/Yanrishatum/hxml


hlcc [options]
hlcc -h for available options
Doing hlcc [options] <path-to-hlc.json> should also work

A bit more detailed


  • Make sure your hxml file contains generation of C source with -hl path/to/sources.c
  • Run hlcc your-hxml-file.hxml to compile app.


  • Compile your application into C sources
  • Navigate to output folder.
  • Run hlcc hlc.json

Current status

  • Windows only
  • Probably does not work with HXML
  • Configuration is kinda icky.
  • Generates and calls temporary batch files.
  • No input/output fine-tuning
  • Tested only on Hashlink 1.6, generated hlc.json version 4000


This work is realeased under public domain.