queryBuildR copied to clipboard
How to use the 'datepicker' plugin?
Hi Yann-Aël,
I have been playing around with your R package queryBuildR. Thanks for putting the efforts in to build that. Very useful.
I would appreciate a bit of guideance. I am building a Shiny app that intends to apply the quiryBuildR to a dataframe. The data frame contains several columns of a Date (or if easier a POSIXct) class. For those columns, I would like the queryBuildR to show less, less or equal, greater and greater or equal filter options. In that way, I can apply filters relating to date ranges. I had a look at your getFiltersFromTable function and noted that columns of class ‘Date’ or “POSIXct’ are not supported. After some efffort I figuerd out how to adjust the filters to accommodate fro a date class.
Then I was interested to use the 'datepicker' plugin for columns of date or POSIXct class. I had a look at the JQuery queryBuilder support pages and came up with the following code that should invoke the ‘datepicker’ plugin. However, this appears not to work. I either use the incorrect filter code or the plugin is not (yet) supported in your package.
I now built the following code in my own version of getFiltersFromTable:
MyGetFiltersFromTable <- function(data) {
filters <- list()
namesCol <- colnames(data)
niceNames <- as.vector(sapply(namesCol,idToName))
for (i in seq_along(namesCol)) {
filterCol <-
RMA_issue_date = list(
id = namesCol[i],
label = niceNames[i],
type = 'date',
validation = list(
format = 'MM/DD/YYYY'
plugin = 'datepicker',
plugin_config = list(
format ='MM/DD/YYYY',
todayBtn = 'linked',
todayHighlight =TRUE,
autoclose = TRUE
operators = list(
'equal','not_equal','less', 'less_or_equal', 'greater','greater_or_equal','between','in', 'not_in','is_null', 'is_not_null'
I am not sufficiently familiar with javascript jQuery QueryBuilder to determine how to adjust the getFiltersFromTable function or how to install the plugin. Any suggestion are welcomed. Thanks.