A fourth gift of $500, thx.
A fifth gift of $30 with notes "Sponsor for FinRL", thanks.
I thoughts 0 means doing nothing, so do not send the order to the exchange market.
Now we have more discussions, since you joined. Let me reopen it. LoL.
Is there any informative value in the data that make the calculation wrong?
Do you want to try this one: https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/ElegantRL/blob/master/elegantrl/agents/AgentMADDPG.py
@Youbadawy Can we divide it into multiple function pieces? Then, we can update each one.
@spencerR1992 every issue fixed? Thx.
@q240627995 感谢你的反馈!! 我们组内也在重测。 你有兴趣帮助ElegantRL增强可复现性么?
@q240627995 helloworld 文件夹下,提供了非常简单的测试,把依赖降到了最低。 有时间测试一下么? 经过几次测试后,会逐渐更新到网站里。 感谢!