> Update: Changing drl_lib to `drl_lib = 'stable_baselines3'` seems to do the trick for training cells. Sure. Stable_baselines3 does not update much now, so it is more stable for use.
Well, interesting. Previously, several people reported too frequent trading and want to punish it. From your description, your codes may include some bugs. Fix them before trying to do logic...
Is this issue the same with a previous one: https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL/issues/667
I see. ElegantRL is updating. Not sure whether fully addressed this "traj_list" issue.
Updated ElegantRL to address this issue. Hope it is fixed.
https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/ElegantRL If you check ElegantRL, you will find more advanced ways of using GPU, DGX-2 server and even NVIDIA's SuperPod. Enjoy!
Yes, ElegantRL is for DRL algorithms. Your suggestions for accelerating data preprocessing are quite interesting. Looking forward to workable codes, would that be possible from your end?
We got a second gift of $50, thanks.
A third gift of $787, thx.