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Modular-HER is revised from OpenAI baselines and supports many improvements for Hindsight Experience Replay as modules.


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Modular-HER is revised from OpenAI baselines and supports many improvements for Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) as modules. We aim to provide a more modular, readable and concise package for Multi-goal Reinforcement Learning.

Welcome everyone to contribute suggestions or code !


  • [x] DDPG (;
  • [x] HER (future, episode, final, random) (;
  • [x] Cut HER (incrementally increase the future sample length);
  • [x] SHER (;
  • [x] Prioritized HER (same as PHER in;
  • [ ] Energe-based Prioritized HER(;
  • [ ] Curriculum-guided Hindsight Experience Replay (;
  • [x] nstep DDPG and nstep HER;
  • [ ] more to be continued...


Require python3 (>=3.5), tensorflow (>=1.4,<=1.14) and system packages CMake, OpenMPI and zlib. Those can be installed as follows

Ubuntu :

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake libopenmpi-dev python3-dev zlib1g-dev

Mac OS X :

With Homebrew installed, run the following:

brew install cmake openmpi


git clone
cd Modular_HER
pip install -e .


Trainging DDPG and save logs and models.

python -m --env=FetchReach-v1 --num_epoch 30 --num_env 1 --sampler random --play_episodes 5 --log_path=~/logs/fetchreach/ --save_path=~/logs/models/fetchreach_ddpg/

Trainging HER + DDPG with different sampler ('her_future', 'her_random', 'her_last', 'her_episode' are supported).

python -m --env=FetchReach-v1 --num_epoch 30 --num_env 1 --sampler her_future --play_episodes 5 --log_path=~/logs/fetchreach/ --save_path=~/logs/models/fetchreach_herfuture/

Training SAC + HER.

python -m  --env=FetchReach-v1 --num_epoch 50  --algo sac --sac_alpha 0.05 --sampler her_episode 

All support sampler flags.

Group Samplers
Random sampler random
HER her_future, her_episode, her_last, her_random
Nstep nstep, nstep_her_future, nstep_her_epsisode, nstep_her_last, nstep_her_random
Priority priority, priority_her_future, priority_her_episode, priority_her_random, priority_her_last


We use a group of test parameters in DEFAULT_ENV_PARAMS for performance comparison in FetchReach-v1 environment.

  1. Performance of HER of different goal sample methods (future, random, episode, last).
  1. Performance of Nstep HER and Nstep DDPG.
  1. Performance of SHER (Not good enough in FetchReach environment, I will test more envs to report).


  • 9.27 V0.0: update readme;
  • 10.3 V0.5: revised code framework hugely, supported DDPG and HER(future, last, final, random);
  • 10.4 V0.6: update code framework, add rollouts and samplers packages;
  • 10.6 add nstep sampler and nstep her sampler;
  • 10.7 fix bug of nstep her sampler;
  • 10.16 add priority experience replay and cut her;
  • 10.31 V1.0: add SHER support;