react-native-signature-canvas copied to clipboard
Hi, targetSdkVersion= 28 is normal, but Android shows nothing when targetSdkVersion=29 (gray screen).
you can try this example:, I run it with Android 10 and API 29, work fine.
The error is happening when using version [email protected] with SdkVersion 29 , they are dependencies from my project:
"dependencies": { "react": "16.8.3", "react-native": "0.59.2", "react-native-signature-canvas": "^1.4.2", ... },
--- android/buil.gradle buildscript { ext { buildToolsVersion = "29.0.2" minSdkVersion = 16 compileSdkVersion = 29 targetSdkVersion = 29 supportLibVersion = "29.0.0" } ...
dependencies {
classpath ''
} ...
--- android/gradle/wrapper/ ... distributionUrl=
by the way, does version @1.4.2 not need react-native-web?
@andre-v2 did you solve this issue?, my problem is the draw pen didn't show anything
@ andre-v2 você resolveu este problema? Meu problema é que a caneta não mostrou nada
my solution was to update react-native to 0.63.2 and react-native-signature-canvas to 3.1.0 with react-native-webview 10.3.2
the draw pen didn't show anything, only show clean canvas, how to solve this?
@indrapuji Hi, Please provide code example not work,for example Github repo