react-native-signature-canvas copied to clipboard
Load Base64 signature
Good Day! How I can load previous saved signature in Signature view?
Keep in mind if you have a base64 string of a random image, you'll need to prepend 'data:image/png;base64,' to the beginning of the dataURL value (i.e. dataURL=data:image/png;base64,${base64string}
It is work, but in code I have error:
I've amended it in my pull request. As soon as it's merged it should no longer be an issue
I've amended it in my pull request. As soon as it's merged it should no longer be an issue
thanks, 4.3.0 released.
hey, @YanYuanFE I am still struggling with setting the previous signature. I am able to set the previous signature one time but for next time for another user, it still not getting updated. there is a state passed to the prop dataURL. will you please help me with that? My local state is getting updated but not the signature screen.
@YumTheDeathGod did you get the solution? Please help if you got that
dataURL is not working for android, it works for ios. Any resolution?
Hey @SyedUmair282 sorry for late reply! but still I will try to answer the question if someone else is needed. In my case I have used the useFocusEffect from @react-navigation/native with useCallback hook. These hooks will be executed whenever the component is in focus.
For your reference:
useCallback(() => {
message: casenote.formData.signature_data,
triggeredAt: new Date(),
}, [props])
here weviewRef is ref of signature canvas. And with the help of getInjectableJSMessage prop of signature canvas injected that data stream (base64 data). Inside my source prop i have used a listner eg. :
document.addEventListener("message", handleEvent);
function handleEvent(message) {
const sign_data = message;
if( > 0) {
signaturePad.fromDataURL(, {
ratio: "350/70",
width: 350,
height: 70
Hope it will help someone.