> > it's too damned slow to do video encoding in WebAssembly > > Does that apply to all codecs or just MPEG codecs? All codecs listed by the WebCodecs...
The core thing I need out of vosk-browser is to *not* have an AudioContext-level API. I do all of my own audio capturing and ten other layers of processing. Further,...
FYI, simd will do not a damned thing (other than make it not work on Safari) unless the code is specifically written to use it. wasm simd is broadly compatible...
Oh, well that's just lovely X-D
I do not. I use both in Ennuicastr.
> I can make a sync version, I just don't know how it is possible. If you block the current thread to recognize, how do you stop it? Synchronous model...
The API of Vosk just takes a chunk at a time. *That* API is synchronous.
My case is that I have vosk-browser loaded in a Worker thread which is also responsible for echo cancellation, noise suppression, audio metrics, and encoding. Each of these steps takes...
I can be totally precise: https://github.com/ennuicastr/ennuicastr/blob/3b3830fc979b039c245429a5ec7657594af4a705/awp/ennuicastr-worker.ts#L786 There's my call to acceptWaveformFloat :)