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[archiving soon] Yahoo! Mojito Framework
Found a problem with refreshView... I tried running refreshView on a composite mojit, and I found if the child mojits have binders, the whole javascript will stop working after refreshview....
I want to access `yui-lang` type resources and their `` but this: won't let me. Please find another way to return the resource and prevent the host method from...
I have a parent mojit with two children. One child calls `ac.http.redirect()`. During the bubble/merge of the `meta` the `meta.http.code` of the non-redirect child clobbers the `meta.http.code` of the redirect...
Our current "page" data object is unique to each request, and is a great place to store request-specific objects/data. However, there's no way for middleware to put objects/data into it.
It may come to a situation where the developers want to handle the http response by themselves, and calling actionContext.done will be a problem. Per discussion with Caridy, currently there...
Addon instantiation time can add up in large applications. Perhaps we can share certain addons per request and even across requests. Addons would have a property that it can use...
As per, the Handlebars helpers are defined using `Y.Handlebars.registerHelper`. However, any helper registered using the above way are not available while generating views from hb templates on server. Use...
From Rajbir Kohli: "ac.flush makes it hard to predict what parts of mojit(s) will be rendered when on the web page. We experienced that for one of our mojits, ac.flush...
Mojito's idea of a model should align closely with YAF's idea of a model . This might even go so far as to throw away Mojito's models and use Y.Model...
What Happens: 1. Mojito is started with a mojit that has ''appLevel':true' in its 'definition.json'. 2. The user successfully visits a mojit on that app. 3. The user attempts to...