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Karma - Android social app based on Firebase
Karma - Android social app based on Firebase
View Releases (Downloads) and Changelogs
Karma is android social app based on Firebase and built with Android Arch Components and Material Design Guidlines.
1. Authentication
- Sign up with E-mail, Username and Password.
- Sign in with your E-mail/Username and Password.
- Check if E-mail/Username already exists.
2. Profile
- Setup profile with Username, First/Last name, bio and Profile picture.
- Follow and Unfollow any other user.
- Edit your profile later after sign up.
- Search for any user by username.
3. Posting
- Add posts with Text, Emoji with/without Pics.
- Like/Dislike any other post.
- Comment on any post.
- Download any image from posts.
- Local Database (Room) for offilne posts view.
4. Ui
- Built with the latest Material Design Components.
- Lottie animations.
Karma uses a number of open source projects to work properly, You can find the libraries list in app/build.gradle .
Want to build your Karma app?
Just fork/clone the project and add your Firebase new project's google-service.json into /app folder.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- Chat (Still not available yet).
- Search (Search works by username only because of firebase's API limitation).
- Add Chat
- Add Night Mode
- Alot of new features