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Support for LineNumberInterval plugin
I use line_number_interval plugin and it works fine with rose-pine and tokyonight themes, but with any variant of nebulous it stops working. almost as if nebulous disabled the plugin,, because using the commands from that plugin stop functioning as well
Hi @Chaitanyabsprip, thanks for reporting this dilemma. Do you think you could show me how to reproduce the problem and give me a photographic (or video) record of what the problem looks like?
Hi, I use both plugins with following nebulous.nvim configuration. I hope this may help you.
local M = {}
local colors = require("nebulous.functions").get_colors("midnight")
function M.config()
variant = "midnight",
custom_colors = {
CursorLineNr = { fg = colors.Red },
HighlightedLineNr = { fg = colors.White },
HighlightedLineNr1 = { fg = colors.Yellow },
HighlightedLineNr2 = { fg = colors.Aqua },
HighlightedLineNr3 = { fg = colors.Green },
HighlightedLineNr4 = { fg = colors.Blue },
HighlightedLineNr5 = { fg = colors.Magenta },
DimLineNr = { fg = colors.DarkGrey },
ActiveWindow = { bg = colors.Black },
InactiveWindow = { bg = colors.background },
vim.opt.winhighlight = "Normal:ActiveWindow,NormalNC:InactiveWindow"
return M