Yagnik Suthar
Yagnik Suthar
I have the same query as @xcodewarrier. Any update on it?
@MillmanY thanks for replay step2 is done successfully but for step1 i can not find combine framework in Build phases please Guide me how to add combine framework.
@MillmanY it will generate same crash. let me clear one thing that my simulator OS is 12 so please check again in iPhone 7 with OS 12 actually i got...
No @MillmanY i have issue on both side (Simulator/Device)
okay i'll check again and let you know
Hey @MillmanY , i'm facing same issue in iPhone 5s (Device and Simulator) OS : 12.4.5 please check and let me know -------------- Logs -------------- dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Combine.framework/Combine...
I just tried the below code and it's worked for me ` // perform the auth request... let request = OIDAuthorizationRequest(configuration: configuration, clientId: SharedConstantsKt.APP_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: nil, scopes: [OIDScopeOpenID, OIDGrantTypeRefreshToken], redirectURL:...