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A template helps developers with the STG development. Western people call this style Bullet Hell Game. Or you can use the geometry functions in your own projects.

Read Me:


How to start: Double click the STG_Template.uproject

A template helps developers with the STG development. Western people call this style Bullet Hell Game. Or you can use the geometry functions in your own projects.

This project is able to run now. 4.13 or 14 is recommended.

Good luck. Hope you enjoy it. Watches and Stars, THANK YOU.




开始这个工程: 双击STG_Template.uproject。


现在是可以运行了。 4.13或者4.14是比较推荐的版本。

祝 顺利。 请在我的项目上点一下Watch和Star,谢谢。

Contact me: [email protected]

I check my gmail only 1 or 2 times per month. So, if you send me a mail, plz wait. Maybe i'll increase the frequency if I really get something from you. Or, maybe, you can come to to leave me a message. I check this forum at least 2,3 times a week. But hope you can succeed in registering. Good luck.

联系我(pen wo) ,是东方吧的一个帖子,占一个楼,我应该每周都会至少看一次的。以后如果有必要了,再考虑换到其他地方,用别的聊天系统一类的。

yagaodirac 2017-05-01

** LOG **

+-----Important Start ---------------- | 今天的要用两个语言写,因为很重要。 | OK, English comes the first. | I selected the files to upload and added the missing files the project needs. Now it works absolutely the same as it works on my own machine. All you need to do is double click the STG_Template.uproject file with an icon of blue UE4 circle button. The engine would prepare the project for you automaticly. | 然后是中文。 | 我把上传的文件好好整理了一下,现在你们可以下载到全部的所需要的文件了,而且整个工程在你的机器上跑的效果和我的是完全一样的。你需要做的就是去双击STG_Template.uproject,就是那个有蓝色的圆形的UE4的图标的文件,然后等着。 | 2017-05-01 +-----Important End -----------------

An undone BFL. I am going to write some function to generate some special shapes. I don't know what it is good at. Maybe useless. 2017-04-12

It's 8 days. Just now I corrected all the compile problem and the whole project is able to run again. But the behavior of bullets is changed and not has get to a new node yet. If you run the project, only a pawn and a background moving like something make directly by win32 api. Next time I update this project is going to be a long time from now, 'cause I'm trying dnd recently. I think it's always benefitting me. The time spent on it will worth. 2017-04-08

Intersection between cubic spline and line is finished!!!! 2017-03-31(Fri)

Well, sry. Update is delayed. For the coming 清明(qingming) festival, we got 6 day of working this week. For some reason, it's delayed. I already figured the equation out. The left part is only implement it in BP. 2017-03-29

I'm trying the intersection between line and secondary spline. Update is in tomorrow. 2017-03-28

The main geometry BFL is going to be updated in 2 days. Expect it. 2017-03-27

其他的不用英语写的。 后面的在游戏内改键的功能我已经大概查到做法了。
