Jiazhi Yang
Jiazhi Yang
I also encountered this problem, when fine tuning on my own datasets, the acc is always 0, did u solved this problem?
Thanks for your reply.
Is there any possible delay of the competition ddl, since the server is still not working and there's only about 1 month left @rezama
It's good to hear that the website will be working, thank you.
@rezama Hi rezama, we've encountered this problem again. Specifically, we follow the tutorial to generate the groundtruth of validation set. To validate its correctness and avoid potential risk of incorrect...
Thank you for your hard work, now we can see the results on the website, and the scores are resonable.
Note that the lastest submission is the validation groundtruth, we just want to make sure our generated gt is correct.
Thanks for your reply.
>ImportError: /home/xxx/.conda/envs/uniad/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/_ext.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK2at10TensorBase8data_ptrIdEEPT_v Hi @Christinepan881, it seems that the mmcv is not installed successfully. You might need to uninstall mmcv/mmdetection/xxx first, then follow the [installation instruction](https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/UniAD/blob/main/docs/INSTALL.md) step by...
Hi @RomanticLeon. Current version of uniad does not support traffic light/sign detection. It mainly detects dynamic agents (ped, car, truck, ...). We will consider supporting it in the next version...