AppRTCDemo copied to clipboard
A WebRTC for iOS client demo. PS: It uses XMPP to build the signaling service.
device: iPhone XR iOS Version: [iOS 12.3] Xcode Version: [Xcode 10.3] Two iPhone Xr Calls,If both phones use two phone cards, using Mobile Networks ,webrtc will not be able to...
d: '/Users/mac/Downloads/AppRTCDemo-master 2/RTCWorker/RTCFramework/libs/libjingle_peerconnection_objc.a(libjingle_peerconnection_objc.RTCICECandidate.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target....
Hi, Thanks for lib. Is this works with ofmeet plugin of Openfire. If yes please guide me how to do so. I am able to connect to jabber but when...
HI - Im trying to implement video calling. 'rtcWorkerDidStartRTCTask' method is getting called in 'RosterViewController.m' file. after this, no delegate method is getting called. Ideally, my understanding is, 'didReceiveRemoteStream' should...
It didn't work when typed room id and clicked apply button.
I am using my own turn server and openfire XMPP which is working well with Smack on Android. I tried to test this app(YK-Unit/AppRTCDemo) on iOS, I am able to...
Hi - I have my own jabber server and Im testing this app on iPhone and iPad with different users. Both iPhone user and iPad user are connected to same...
Hi, Any idea if we can cache ice candidate or remote sdp for extended period of time. What is the caching you are using? Sending ice candidate or sdp multiple...
I want to make this app as a caller to send ICE Candidate to Callee after answer sdp from callee has been accepted. How can I do that?