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A few feature requests.
I'm using the latest version of YACReader (9.5) on Mac OS (Mojave 10.14.2). I'm using just the standalone reader. I have a few of features or changes that I'd like to suggest.
1. Add an option to to disable automatic bookmarks. I personally dislike this feature, and have disabled it via locking the "bookmarks.yacr" file to be read only. I just don't find it very useful, and it's mildly annoying when I open something I had skimmed earlier. It also conflicts with the 'open next issue' feature. When I turn passed the last/first page it would open the next issue at the page where the bookmark had been set for it, which obviously isn't ideal.
2. Add an option to disable automatically opening the next issue. This is also a person dislike, it's a minor thing. I just like to get to the end of an issue, and then for the page turning to stop.
3. Add a scroll bar to the window so you can see where on the page you are. Currently I cannot tell were I am on the page, a scroll bar would fix that. It's a convenience thing. It also causes issues with scrolling page turning, as you scroll to see the bottom of a page but end up on the next one as you don't know if the panel ends at the bottom of the page, or if there's more to see.
4. Add an option to disable automatic page turning via scrolling. This is coupled to the above, but I also dislike it. I prefer to be able to freely scroll on a page without the risk of accidentally jumping to another page. I'd prefer there to be a click zone at the side of the page to turn to the next one instead, but just being able to disable it would be great. It also doesn't work with some scrolling settings. My scroll is set to 4x scroll clicks per single click of the wheel, which means that sometimes you'll be at the bottom of a page, scroll down to turn, and end up turning AND scrolling down on the next page. This makes it's extremely annoying to try use.
5. Add an option to display a progress bar at the bottom. A horizontal bar along the bottom of the window showing the progress into an issue would be nice, an alternate to the 'show info' version of "13/23 - TIME". Your naturally looking at the bottom of the wind when about to turn the page, so having the progress shown there would be convenient. It's also a visual indicator opposed to a text one. It would also be nice if it wasn't an overlay that would cover the page.
6. Add an option to remove the time from the show info box. I've already got a clock on my screen, I do not need another. It makes the overlay box larger for negligible value. Maybe only display the clock it when in full screen mode?
Can't comment on other things since I'm quite new to this kind of of readersю, but hell this automatic page turning via scrolling is annoying.
I forked yacreader to suit my needs, and that matches some of the features requested here. Points 1 and 2 can be addressed through the new config settings BOOKMARKS_AUTO
. There is no GUI for these settings, one has to edit the configuration file.
I'm not interested in 4 since I navigate with the keyboard and scrolling with pgdown does not turn the page. IMO, the most important change was adding a setting for the scrolling delay. I couldn't stand the 250 ms of wait on each scroll.
I can create a Pull Request with any of these changes, if YACreader is interested. Meanwhile, you have to compile it yourself if you want to try them https://github.com/mytskine/yacreader/tree/configurable
Sorry for the late reply. Imho, most of the features requested shouldn't be too hard to implement, but I'd like to get our configuration management, both GUI and configuration files to be in better shape before adding more options. As it is now, adding options is too complicated and the code should probably be refactored or rewritten to be more straightforward.